Monday, March 24, 2008

Report (Language)

This report is In tented to give a brief summary of findings of recent survey in class on language.The data was collected from "About me" on the Internet.

Between us we can speak eleven languages. there are two students can speak more than three language. the majority said the English was their second language.

We have been learning English for between five years and one and half year at Unitec or high school.The way to learn English is approximately the same, and we have also had a difficult in academic writing. However, to improve writing, we have been using different ways. Many of us are spending times in reading to build up vocabulary and improve grammar by doing some practice every day. Another classmates said that they communicate with kiwi people that is also a great way to improve their grammar and writing skill.Nearly all of us think speaking is very easy to improve if you don't feel shy.

In conclusion, as can be seen from the finding of this report , writing is the most difficult skill to master.

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